Mineral Title In North Dakota

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2020 | Firm News |

As a practicing oil and gas title attorney I get several calls on a weekly basis with questions regarding North Dakota minerals and how title is held.  There are several nuances to mineral ownership in North Dakota.  The issue raised the most by people is why the surface and the minerals are owned by different people.  The other question is where on the map is my 6 acres.  North Dakota minerals are owned in  undivided interests and the state laws allow for what is called severance.  There are also several ways of transferring those minerals to others for future generations.

North Dakota State University has put together an excellent article that explains a vast array of North Dakota Mineral Title matters.  https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ndoilandgaslaw/surface-mineralrights/mineralandsurfacerelationship

This summary is very informative.  Our office is well versed on all the outlined issues and can assist in transition planning, title defects, curative, and general understanding of your minerals, production and royalties.  As always please feel free to contact us for all your needs and don’t forget to visit us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DeMakisLawPllc/?view_public_for=544650525548681

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